DigitalHub V2.0

DigitalHub V2.0

A place about you, everything about you and you only.

DigitalHub v2.0 cover image showcasing a few screens and main screen
DigitalHub v2.0 cover image showcasing a few screens and main screen
DigitalHub v2.0 cover image showcasing a few screens and main screen
DigitalHub v2.0 cover image showcasing a few screens and main screen


I reimagined the v1.0 of DigitalHub.

If you are reading this, that means you are experiencing it on the new version. This is built on the v2.0 of DigitalHub. If you like this theme, you can contact me for purchasing this theme.

Best for

For all individual contributors and entrepreneurs. All it needs is an internet access and a basic grasp of Framer to effortlessly launch their very own digital hub or internet profile.

Licence, disclaimer and terms

These templates are a result of my passion for design. By using them, you agree to the following terms. The content in these templates is intended for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for any commercial or illegal activities without my explicit permission. Icons and graphics from publicly available sources are used with proper attribution. Reselling, republishing, or refurbishing the template without my knowledge is not allowed.

Additionally, while Google Analytics is implemented for basic analytics, it's important to note that no personal data is collected. I respect your privacy. Feel free to get in touch with any questions or concerns; I'm here to help and improve your experience.

No refunds will be provided, as it is a digital product.

You’ll get

This is a Framer website. You'll get a Framer remix link. All you have to do is

  1. Modify the content (including text, images, and logo)

  2. Pick a Framer plan

  3. Connect your domain

  4. And click publish.

  5. Add Google Analytics

When you purchase this template, you'll also receive a comprehensive documentation guide that will teach you how to use it to its full potential. The guide is packed with helpful images and screenshots.


This is all about you. That is the main feature. You can write about yourself.

Easy to use and customize: Designed to be easy to use, even if you have no coding experience. You can easily customize the template to match your personal branding and style.

Responsive: So it will look great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.

Local time and weather: You can display the local time and weather, which can be helpful for visitors who are trying to schedule a call or meeting with you. (Using a code override from the community)

Project listing and detail: Showcase your work on a dedicated project listing page, where visitors can navigate to a project's detail page to learn more about it, including images, videos, descriptions, and call to action buttons for payment or demos.

Services page: Where you can list and describe the services that you offer.

Important links: A place for you to list all of your important links, such as your portfolio, blog, or YouTube links. Only list a handful of cards. Because of the curation, people might look.

Social links: You can add all of your social media links, so that visitors can easily connect with you on their preferred platform.

Contact page: So that visitors can easily get in touch with you.

Use cases
  • Create a personal website to showcase your work and connect with potential clients or employers.

  • Create a portfolio website to showcase your creative work.

  • Create a landing page for your business or product.

  • Create a blog website to share your thoughts and ideas.

  • Create a resume website to highlight your skills and experience.

It's all up to your imagination.